President Ross discusses post-election atmosphere at Academic Senate

President Ross discussed he results of the presidential election and subsequent protests on campus during an Academic Senate meeting Nov. 15.
“It’s been a challenging week here on campus,” Ross said. “There are a number of people on campus that are nervous. Some have communicated to me they’re fearful.”
Ross’s speech came after a divisive presidential race in which President-elect Donald Trump was the victor. On Nov. 15, students marched to Warriner Hall to voice their concerns about the election results and hate speech on campus.
Ross called on faculty, staff and students to maintain integrity, compassion and inclusiveness in light of the election results. He also encouraged students to talk to counselors if they feel the need to discuss their feelings and to report instances of on-campus harassment to the Office of Civil Rights and Institutional Equity.
“How we deal with our campus is up to us,” Ross said. “I can’t speak to the rest of the country, to the rest of this state, but how we treat each other on our campus is up to us.”
When asked about the protest by Senator Leesha Novak, Ross said he hadn’t been on campus until noon and had not been briefed on the protest.
Campus police reported it was peaceful, he said.