Psychologist to speak on education practices
The T.R. Johnson Endowed Speaker Series will host educational psychologist David C. Berliner at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23 in the French Auditorium in the Education Human Services Building. The speaker will talk about his most recent book, “Myths (and Lies) that Deceive the Public and Harm American Public Education.”
“People throw the term around quite a bit, but he truly is a living legend,” said Mark Deshaine, assistant professor of educational leadership.
Berliner has written multiple books on educational psychology. The ideas relayed in his books talk about how the education system is perceived and analyzed. He suggests it is not an accurate depiction of what truly goes on due to standardized assessments and metrics in use.
“He’s got an absolutely wonderful, common sense, down to earth delivery that is also very hard-hitting,” Deschaine said. “It is very difficult to challenge a lot of his assertions because they make so much good common sense.”
Berliner has received the Thorndike Award, an award granted to prestigious researchers in the educational psychology field who have made substantial contributions.
“I’m thankful for the series for bringing people of national caliber to campus to speak to students and faculty,” Deschaine said.
The presentation is sponsored by the T.R. Johnson Endowment established in 1992 to honor CMU graduates T.Ray Johnson, Timothy Robert “Bob” Johnson and Myra Thon Johnson. Annual endowment earnings are used to support speakers in teaching and learning within the College of Education and Human Services.