Veterans Resource Center to relocate to Ronan Hall
Since its inception in 2010, Central Michigan University has had plans to renovate or relocate the Veterans Resource Center, said VRC director Duane Kleinhardt.
Plans exist to relocate the Veterans Resource Center — located in Warriner 114 — to the lower level of Ronan Hall. The building will be renovated and expanded to accommodate parts of other student service offices such as graduate studies, registrar, scholarships and financial aid.
CMU hasn't accommodated any service office in Ronan's basement for a while, Kleinhardt said.
“(The renovation) will be a little bit down the road but it’ll be in a space that we want, that we design,” he said.
The bottom level of Ronan Hall is one of the places the University Space Committee recommended consolidating. It also includes different offices related to enrollment and student services, said Vice President of Facilities Management Steve Lawrence.
Offices that will move to the lower level of Ronan Hall will include 74 staff members and nine part-time student employees.
“All (offices) have reception and waiting and duplicate spaces they can share,” Lawrence said. “We don’t spend as much money on these kinds of spaces but it will be adequate for the people there.”
The Veterans Resource Center will be relocated from Warriner 114.
The move will be a positive change for the office, Kleinhardt said.
"We're not as big as other veteran resource centers at other universities, and during peak times it can get very crowded," he said.
The bottom level of Ronan contains more than 15,000 square feet that will be renovated.
Windows and heating systems will also be replaced in Ronan Hall, which hasn’t been updated in 62 years.
“It’s not the most comfortable building on campus, let's just put it that way, so we want to make some improvements,” Lawrence said.