Letter: Guns protect our safety
In regards to the article that was printed in Central Michigan Life talking about concealed carry on campus, there are several things that I would like to address.
While everyone is entitled to an opinion, it is important to note that Michigan state law allows an individual with a valid concealed pistol license to carry.
Michigan has a preemption law which in simple terms states that “A local unit of government shall not impose special taxation on, enact or enforce any ordinance or regulation pertaining to, or regulate in any other manner the ownership, registration, purchase, sale, transfer, transportation, or possession of pistols, or other firearms.” This means that since CMU receives taxpayer money, I believe they should be considered a local unit of government. Because of this, CMU should not be able to legally create its own policies and enforce them like law.
While some individuals believe guns have no place on campus, regardless of certification of the individual choosing to carry, please consider this: Individuals who have obtained their CPL must meet very rigid requirements.
They receive mandatory training and pass multiple background checks. Anyone who has been convicted of domestic violence or even a dangerous driving record will be denied a permit. So my question is, if I have passed all of the qualifications and am able to carry at a restaurant a mere 100 yards off campus, do I suddenly become a different individual when I step onto campus?
The answer is no.
Also, it is important to note that nearly every mass shooting since 1950 has occurred in a gun-free zone. This clearly shows that taking away the rights of a trained, licensed citizen (regardless of student status) does not keep people safe.
In fact, there are also more than 150 college campuses where concealed carry is allowed. On each of these campuses, there has not been a firearm related incident conducted by a CPL holder. I believe it is important to consider all facts before publishing.
Opinions are important, and everyone is entitled to their own. However, in the case of campus concealed carry, the numbers do not lie. Gun-free zones do not protect anyone, but leave all of us defenseless.
No one should ever be placed in a situation where they cannot defend themselves. Self defense is a human right.