Students host human foosball event for Special Olympics

Many people have played a game of foosball before, but not many have experienced being a player in the foosball game.

Last Saturday, the RPL 430 class put on a life-sized foosball tournament. The event was put together by students to help raise money for Special Olympics.

The courts were set up a lot like a real foosball table. Special Olympics helped by providing some of the objects for the court, which enhanced the experience for the players.

The event featured four teams, with five players on each team. Every team had one goalie, two defenders and two attackers. Senior marketing major Teal Olson played goalie.

“It was really intense, I was kind of scared a couple of times to be completely honest,” Olson said. ”It was very fast pace, but it was super exciting and I had a lot of fun.”

The players had to hold onto a rope the entire time and could only use their feet to kick a soccer ball.

“It was scary,” said senior recreation and event management major Kaylie Johnson. “I’m not that athletic, but I had a good time.”

Tim Otteman, an Associate professor in the departments of recreation and teacher for the RPL 430 class said students run the event on their own.

What they do in the class is, they get put into a group with five people that they do not know,” Otteman said. “We divide them into groups, dividing them by gender, age, major and minor and what their idea of career job is.”

Otteman said they have start with $0 and have to partner with a charity to run the event, make a profit and donate it to the charity.

Another event by RPL students is happening Friday, with a life-sized Pacman event. The event will go from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Student Activities Center. The money raised in this event will be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters Of the Great Lakes Bay Region. If you are interested in joining the event, contact Teal Olson at (989) 619-1599, or email her at for more information.
