EDITORIAL: Rest, Relax, Recharge

Summer vacation is the perfect time to de-stress


Senior Stephanie Cumper enjoys the sunshine April 13 outside Brooks Hall. 

Exam week is right around the corner. Filled with projects and finals, it is one of the busiest weeks of the semester leading up to every student's favorite time: summer vacation.

Some of us will be off completing internships, while others will be working at home and others will travel. No matter where you are this summer, keep in mind it is a much needed break from the work and stress that weighs down on you during the academic year. 

Our generation usually likes to remain busy. Whether it's getting involved in volunteering, taking extra classes or doing research, students have the tendency to run themselves into the ground. This summer, we encourage you to take advantage of the lack of classwork to recharge your bodies and minds before diving back in when the fall semester comes.

Research by the American Institute of Stress has shown too much stress affects you physically as well as mentally. Three out of every four doctor visits are for stress-related ailments, and extreme stress events have been shown to actually shrink a person's gray matter in areas of the brain related to emotion and physiological function.

Summer is your chance to eliminate this stress and live a happier, healthier life than you might at school. It is also an ideal time to spend with family and close friends. All too soon, we will graduate, get out of the house and be creating our own lives away from them. After that, summers will lose their special meaning as we continue to work through them.

The students of Central Michigan University have worked tirelessly all year, and a summer break is just what it sounds like, a break.

From all of us at Central Michigan Life, have a fun, safe summer.
