Planning commission approves plan to build new Alpha Sigma Alpha house

Oliveri management has approved plans to bulldoze 1026 S. Main St. and 1024 S. Main St. to make way for a larger residence.
Members of the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority can plan on moving out of their old house soon, as plans for demolition and construction have been given the green light.
The Mount Pleasant Planning Commission approved a special use permit and site plan review at its April 9 meeting for the demolition of houses located at 1024 and 1026 S. Main St. to build a new house for the sorority.
“All that is left now is the building permits and permits from the Department of Public Works,” said Joe Olivieri, housing developer and owner of the properties. “We could start tearing the buildings down as soon as 10 days depending on permits and weather.”
Olivieri said his business has already set up a place for residents, Central Michigan University students, currently living in the properties to go before demolition and construction begins.
The approved plan for a 16 occupant home will not add any additional residents to the property as both houses currently have an occupancy of eight on their own.
Plans to demolish and rebuild the house at 1023 S. Main St., across the street from Alpha Sigma Alpha, was also approved at the meeting.
“With this and the other project, this will get rid of a few of the last remaining eyesores on Main,” said Councilman and CMU Professor Mark Ranzenberger.
Olivieri said demolition could start soon, but could not estimate how long construction on the new house could take.
“I believe this is the twenty first time we’ve done a demo and rebuild,” he said. “I’d say we know what we’re doing.”