Calling all readers, join the discussion


For the past 96 years, Central Michigan Life has served as the premier news source for the Central Michigan University and Mount Pleasant community.

Our mission has always been the same: To provide comprehensive and objective coverage of issues our readers care about. 

But Central Michigan Life is no longer just your student newspaper. 

It is your student media company. 

Central Michigan Life is a learning-lab for students to gain hands-on experience. We will keep you informed through writing, reporting and editing, designing and taking photos on our editorial side. 

Our advertising department will be working with local businesses to help them better serve their customers through print and digital advertising, as well as utilizing social media.

Editor in Chief | Maria Prowoznik

The team of students I work with in tandem every day are here for a multitude of reasons, but we all share the same goal: To learn how to best serve you, our readers. 

This is why we are heading toward a web-first mentality. Central Michigan Life will still print every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but times are changing, and so is the way we'll be delivering news. This semester, we're increasing our web presence, as well as our social media efforts to keep you informed. 

We're taking a different approach to our print product by spending more time curating the content that we feel will best work in print. 

I've worked here for eight semesters. I'm ready to continue the traditions set before me, as well as to establish some of my own. I'm excited to work with other student leaders on campus, as well as continue to provide the meaningful coverage our readers have come to expect.

For the past four years, Central Michigan Life has given me so many opportunities ranging from the Michigan Press Association awards that hang across the bulletin board in my office to the internship I had with MLive Media Group last summer. I chose to apply to be Editor-in-Chief to give back to the place that has helped me grow so much in my time here at CMU. 

This semester is going to be a challenge for me, as well as for my team. I'm challenging our readers this semester as well. 

Read our news, not just our headlines. Stay informed with what's happening here on campus. Be part of a discussion; don't just watch, be involved. 

Have a news tip? Want to see something covered? Unsure of why we covered something the way we did? 

Email us. Come to room 436 in Moore Hall and talk to us face to face. Write a letter to the editor. 

I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 
