Staying healthy in college

Central Michigan University Police officer Laura Rico has noticed the problems most students face when it comes to exercising: they’re just too busy.
Students are busy with studying, homework and jobs, said Rico, who teaches Zumba fitness classes at Endurance Fitness in the spring.
“Exercise is a great way to de-stress your body. It’s also a great way to condition your body," Rico said. "You’re able to do two wonderful things at the same time.”
Rico mentioned simple things students could do to stay healthy during school. Walking to class and attending the fitness centers on campus are ideal for a means of exercise, she said.
“Exercise is a great thing to do to keep your body healthy,” she said. “If you’re healthy, then your mind is healthy, and if your mind is healthy, then you’re going to be functional and successful. That’s why students are here at college, to be successful.”
Free fitness classes are offered to students in residence halls, which can be a fun way to work out with friends, Rico said. She encouraged students to take advantage of the Student Activity Center and gyms in residence halls.
The SAC offers many fitness classes including Zumba, Kickboxing, Cycle, TRX, H.I.I.T., Bootcamp, Strength Training and Yoga. Free Happy Hour classes are offered each Friday by instructor’s choice.
Conner Edelbrock, assistant director of fitness and wellness at CMU, encourages students to stay active during the cold winter months.
“Healthy daily activity is important all year,” Edelbrock said. “Regular physical activity is great for stress management, improving immune function, and boosting your mood during the cold weather season.”
Spring Lake junior Kristin Hulet said she focuses strongly on her health and manages her time wisely. Creating healthy lifestyle habits in college can help prepare for the future, she said.
“What you do in college now establishes habits that you will carry on into your adult future," Hulet said.
She said creating a workout schedule is important when it comes to staying on track. Taking time out of the day to exercise can improve one’s functioning and even de-stress.
“I take time out of my day to work out,” Hulet said. “I also try to eat healthy and drink plenty of water to help avoid getting sick during the winter months. Even though it may be hard to take time out of your busy schedule to work out and stay active, it will help you feel better about yourself and even help you stay more focused with your studies.”
For more information regarding fitness classes at the SAC, visit