Finding your scare
Film student breaks down the horror genre
Demons, ghosts, zombies, monsters, all paranormal acts and blood-craving animals have manifested the genre we have come to know as "horror." Films of such classification are even more hallowed during October.
Film Society president and Davisburg senior Davis Nixon, said the horror genre could be broken down into three categories: Psychological, thriller and blood or gore horror films.
“Psychological are the horror movies that creep into your head. They are the ones that truly scare people and leave a lasting impression," Nixon said. "Thrillers are the movies that get your heart racing and are fast-paced with a lot of jump scares. Blood or gore, are the slasher and over the top bloody movies."
- 1. Psychological Horror Films: This category can also be referred to as the taunting and for some forever haunting movies. This can include films that may not be as dark and scary, such as Steven Spielberg’s “Jaws.” Even though the shark might look fake, this movie has the ability to make you never want to swim, surf or even dip your toes in the ocean. The scare of great white sharks may become apparent for some, because of the “it could actually happen” idea. “The Strangers” presents the same thought process: don’t stay in a cabin alone in a remote area, because you don’t know who else could be there. For Michiganders, living here does not help; annual up north get-aways can easily become the stuff of nightmares. Nixon said psychological movies are the scariest, and one in particular that he recommends but also does not because of how disturbing the film is, is “Anti-Christ.”
2. Thriller Horror Films: This type of scary movie keeps you on the edge
f your seat. The “Paranormal Activity” movies are thrillers because of how "heebie-jeebies" prone they are. Nightmares may not be the case for this type of film but any sudden door slamming, move of a bed sheet, flicker of light, or any white noise can instantly make you think spirits are among you. Thriller films can easily have you covering your eyes and have will definitely have your heart racing. Insidious Part I and II are must see thrillers because of the suspense and tension the films create. It is a dark film that alters the viewers moods throughout. It will make you anxious, terrified, surprised, uncertain and relieved when it's over.
3. Blood/Gore Horror Films: This is the genre that contains any and all zombies, vampires, monsters and blood thirsty creatures of the night. Some of the most popular and well-known films include all the "Halloween," "Friday the 13th," "A Nightmare on Elm Street," the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "the Saw" movies. These films have created movie icons that we have come to know and love and hate, including Michael, Jason, Freddy, and many more. These are the movies that can be difficult to watch, because of how graphically disturbing and torturous the death scenes are. Seriously, who desires to watch a large man with a chainsaw chop up people?
4. Combination of All Three: A movie that compliments all three of these categories makes you scared while watchi
ng it and will stick with the viewer long afterward.This includes films such as “Exorcism of Emily Rose” a 2005 film and most recent 2014 “Annabelle,” as well “The Conjuring.” These movies contain demon or satanic-based story lines and have become known as some of the scariest movies. Just hearing about a film that deals with a devil takeover, can instantly make someone cringe and watching it will only make you not want to name your daughter Annabelle or Emily Rose. Also, viewers maynot plan to to reserve a room in The Stanley Hotel after watching Stanley Kubricks 1980 film, “The Shining.” This is a more classic film that contains all three elements. There is the psychological aspect of not wanting to stay in a hotel alone, the thriller side because of the hauntings throughout the film and even the slightest bit of blood and gore. Nixon said “The Blair Witch Project,” which is a found footage horror film, is one of the most successful scary movies of all time because they combine these elements in the right way.