Day 2: Medallion hunt heats up
Beddows Hall group continues hunt for elusive Homecoming Medallion

Across Central Michigan University the search is on.
Taking to the furthest corners of campus, Shelby Township sophomore Sarah Scalici and her team of Beddow Hall residents are desperate to uncover the illusive Medallion.
“There’s a fire in me,” Scalici said. “This will be my last year in Beddow, so I need to find the medallion.”
As clues have been revealed, the team has been debating on possible locations and made future plans for the hunt. Petoskey senior Alexis Denoyer is on her fourth medallion hunt. Teamwork this year has been what keeps her going this year, she said.
“The hunt is going super great, I love every minute of it,” Denoyer said. “We’re doing really well, I’m proud of our team. We have multiple ideas for every clue that we’ve been given. We are ready to find it.”
Scalici said the hall has split up into three teams: one "hub" team stays in Beddow and plans strategies and two ‘running’ teams go out and search campus. Waiting on more clues to further their progress is what the team is focusing on right now.
“We are slowly but surely getting there,” Scalici said. “Only having a few clues, it’s been hard, but with the team we have, we have some good things going. Teamwork makes the dream work.”
Shelby Township sophomore Austin Sarhan has enjoyed the hunt so far, and has found ways to ‘deceive’ other teams. Sarhan is excited to go out each night and further the team’s progress during the search.
“We were only outside, for like, an hour the first night,” Sarhan said. “It’s been fun, I wish they gave more clues though. I was talking on the phone, and when each person would walk by, I asked, “Wait who told you that it was in the library?” so they would get distracted and head over to the library.”
Sunday night’s first search was a basic layout for how the rest of the week would go for the group. Splitting up into separate groups to cover more ground is what has worked the most effectively, Shelby Township sophomore Makenzie Furber said.
“Last night we were kind of running all over the place, we have all of these ideas. Hopefully we get more of a centralized clue so we kind of know better of where the area is," Furber said. "We split up and covered more areas last night, we have a good team dynamic going.”
Communication between the teams is helping them focus and plan a clear strategy, Furber said.
“A lot of people are getting involved and thinking outside of the box, which is nice,” she said. “We talk about updates with everyone, we have good communication. It’s only day two, but it’s been a lot of fun.”