COLUMN: Clearing the air on the Welcome Weekend editorial


As the editor-in-chief of Central Michigan Life, one of my primary responsibilities is to engage in an open dialogue with our readership. It is also my job to try and explain why something controversial was published in our newspaper.

So let’s try to clear the air a bit.

On Monday, CM Life published an editorial addressing what we saw as a major cause for concern: A group of student partiers taking their antics too far on what should have been a peaceful time of fun and integration.

In this editorial, we attempted to show our student body the web of damage can be caused to Mount Pleasant – our home, our community – when a faction of students engage in dangerous and destructive activities.

After dealing with last semester’s rash of dumpster fires, which unfortunately carried on throughout the summer months while most of you were away, we were disheartened to see the same thing happening all over again.

In many ways, we were right back where we started.

Our student body did not share our opinion of what went down that night, yet it was the same impression made on members of our community. This includes police officers, city leaders and residents.

While I can admit in retrospect that our message was delivered in a shrill, and accusatory manner, the content of our message remains.

We are the face of CMU and this city. Whether you are part of Greek Life, raising money for various charitable organizations, or members of our Student Government Association, it is our duty to be the best representatives of the university.

When a few of us throw bottles at cops, climb lampposts and harass passersby, it makes all of us look bad.

We had hoped we could see eye to eye on this. We did not. That is frustrating.

Our tone was harsh. We also realize that we can’t take back how we said it. What we can do is work harder so our opinions resonate or at very least are offered in a way as to not alienate the students.

We’re working on that. We are learning how to best serve you. To make sure your voice is reflected, we are assembling an editorial board that includes students from around campus.

This is the first time in recent CM Life history that the editorial leadership has offered this opportunity. If we are going to reflect your voice, we must integrate your voice into our newsroom.

We invite all interested students to apply at Moore Hall 436 for one of these positions.

I also encourage you to continue to tell us like it is; all opinions are welcome. In return, I hope you respect our right and responsibility to share our own opinions.

With your help, we can make a better student newspaper.


About Ben Solis

Ben Solis is the Managing Editor of Central Michigan Life. He has served as a city and university ...

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