GUEST COLUMN: Transitioning into next year
Fellow Chippewas,
I am truly thankful to be able to address you all for the first time as your student body president.
Mariah Urueta and I want to thank the editors at Central Michigan Life for affording us the opportunity to reach out to our peers for the first time going into our term. These first few weeks have been filled with transition into our positions through meeting with administrators and our advisors, looking to recruit a great group of student leaders to work with us throughout the 2014-15 school year, and of course meeting with many RSOs and working toward individual student initiatives.
Already students have approached us to field their questions, hear their concerns and see how SGA can aid them in their efforts. Although it has been a busy time, it has also been extremely exciting. When Mariah and I were campaigning throughout these last few months, we were very intentional in assembling a platform that came organically from the conversations that we were able to have with students.
After we get fully transitioned into our positions, our very first priority will be to work toward the student concerns that we chose to highlight in our platform. Even though we are in the midst of transition, we have already started working our specific platform points. Throughout the summer I will be actively meeting with administrators, faculty, students, community members or any individual who can help progress any student-centered issues.
One specific platform initiative that we plan on having accomplished by the start of the fall semester will be our local business partnership. My summer will be filled with collaborating with local businesses around the Mount Pleasant area and looking to receive tangible deals for the student body.
In addition, just last week CM Life was gracious enough to run an article about the tax assistance program that Mariah and I plan on instituting next year. These are but two of the many ways we are hoping to positively affect the student body.
While we are newly elected, Mariah and I truly do have a passion for representing the many voices of the student body and we are extremely excited to do so in this capacity. We know that we are not alone in this pursuit and there are many others that would love to help represent our student body.
For any of you that would love to take up that call, please keep in mind that SGA is looking for bright, passionate student leaders to help comprise our executive council and legislative branch positions. Anyone is welcome to apply; the deadline for applications is May 1. If you ever have questions about what SGA can do for you, need assistance on a student issue, or if you are interested in being a part of our organization, please feel free to contact us at
Mariah and I appreciate all the hard work of everyone who helped us get to this position and we have never been more excited and ready to serve you all.
Charles Mahone II
SGA President