SGA ready to present CPF reform to Board of Trustees; senate bylaw changes still in discussion
Central Michigan University’s Student Government Association finalized its proposal to raise the Campus Programing Fund to $1.8 million and is ready to present it to the board of trustees Feb. 19.
SGA’s executive board distributed 25 copies of the 40-page report, which details the university’s need for the increase in funding, to various offices around campus, such as the Office of Student Life and the Office of the President.
Previously, Marie Reimers, SGA student body president, said the proposal was going to be presented to the board by CMU President George Ross, but after discussing the idea with the executive board, SGA chose to present the proposal itself.
“We would like to have the university’s input on the proposal, but ultimately this was worked on for students by students so we should be presenting it,” Reimers said.
A resolution to change SGA Senate bylaws was passed in the House, but tabled by the Senate at Monday’s meeting.
The resolution would require senators to only represent the colleges they belong to and the number of seats each college held would be determined by the SGA elections director based on the enrollment of the college.
The Senate tabled the vote until next week's meeting, stating more discussion is needed as the amendment would complicate a process the senate has already been practicing.
“The change looks like an elongation of something we already do, but it might also encourage more students to join SGA to represent their college,” said Senate Leader Charles Mahone. “Senators normally don’t run for their college. The way the changes read makes it sound like the election process will be too complicated and that may discourage students from running.”