'The Marvelous Land of Oz' auditions to begin Jan. 22


After much preparation, Wednesday and Thursday will mark the audition days for the highly anticipated Central Michigan University production of “The Marvelous Land of Oz.”

The production, a sequel to “The Wizard of Oz,” will be directed by Caro junior Troy Mullin and will run Feb. 27 through Mar. 2.

“The script I created is adapted from the original children's book published in 1904 by L. Frank Baum and it is filled with things we all know and love from the first story, as well as a few new surprises,” Mullin said. “(These surprises) follow the adventures of the Scarecrow and Tin Man after Dorothy clicked her heels and went back to Kansas.”

With auditions fast approaching, Mullin hopes to bring in a crowd of performers that will contribute to the show’s enchanting theme.

“We are currently seeking 11 performers. We have nine speaking roles and two non-speaking roles,” Mullin said. “You do not have to be a theatre major to audition (so) this is a great chance for those who are interested in theatre or performing to have a positive first experience while working with a student director. But it is also an opportunity for students with more experience to work with someone new.”

Those auditioning are asked to go to Moore Hall, room 106 at 6 p.m. and auditions will run through 8 p.m. on Jan. 22-23. Auditions will require participants to prepare a one-minute selection from a piece of children’s literature to perform. All books or plays are welcome, but poetry is discouraged.

Performers who have special talents such as juggling, gymnastics or other things that would aid their stage presence, are asked to audition as well.

Students who audition well will receive a callback, which will take place at 6 p.m. on Jan. 24  in the same location. After callbacks, a cast list will be posted and rehearsals will begin Jan. 26.

"I would definitely see this production," said Kara Gagnon, a Fowlerville junior. "'The Wizard of Oz' is a classic and it would be interesting to see what happens next, especially coming from a CMU student."

Mullin encourages those interested to audition, as there are many new characters to bring to life.

“Roles we will be auditioning for include the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and Glinda, as well as several new characters such as Jack Pumpkinhead, General Jinjur and a little boy named Tip,” Mullin said. “If performing isn’t your thing, but you still want to be involved, we also have backstage positions open.”

Any questions about auditions or the play itself can be directed to Troy Mullin at mulli1t@cmich.edu.
