Editorial: Stand up, speak out
As Central Michigan Life pushes forward into another semester, we’re placing a greater emphasis on allowing the newspaper to serve as an open forum for voices across campus.
We have a variety of openings available for the talented, intrepid journalists and writers with the tenacity and motivation to fill them.
Those interested in joining our staff should not hesitate to stop into our office and find out more about the various opportunities available. But the opportunity extends beyond joining our staff.
Our responsibility as journalists is to provide the community with timely and accurate disseminations of current events, issues and ideas. That responsibility goes hand-in-hand with our duty to allow all voices their chance to be heard.
While the reporting process calls for information gathering and the critical analysis of a wide array of issues, sometimes stories are best told directly by the people involved.
CM Life is interested in listening to guests from all areas of campus life. Regardless of the topic, if your message needs to be heard – we invite you to share your views.
For those who are passionate, opinionated, motivated and willing – our opinion section, the Voices page, affords students and staff the opportunity to have their ideas amplified to the campus community.
We want you to stand up and speak out. And this semester, we hope that concept will again be revitalized.
Additionally, CM Life is also committed to creating a dialogue.
Comments and feedback are exceptionally valuable to us as journalists. Our readers, in many ways, help shape the way we deliver the news on a daily basis.
While it’s our responsibility to maintain journalistic integrity by allowing all sides of an issue receive exposure, input from our readers can help to fully expand that exposure into a conversation.
Whether it’s through our Facebook or Twitter page, email or telephone, guest columns, letters to the editor, or simply through commenting on stories posted online at CM-Life.com – we’re committed to giving our readers the responses they deserve.
Do you have an issue with a story or questions about coverage? Concerns, compliments, advice and criticism are all appreciated. Those with the conviction to speak up deserve a response, and we’ll give you one.
Paired with quality reporting, asking the right questions and holding the right people responsible, your input can help raise the standard of both the news and the campus in general.
Please, share your stories. Voice your opinion. Argue your case. Shape powerful discussions and tell us about your experiences. Ask questions. Offer criticism. Contribute solutions. Be convictive, passionate and unforgiving – we’re with you.
For more information regarding guest submissions or open staff positions, check out the guest submissions tab on our website, access our contact information and visit our office at Moore Hall 436.