COLUMN: Generation Y-OLO

Generation Y, also referred to as the Millennial Generation, was born between 1980 and 2000, a population around 90 million strong.

Every generation thinks that they were rebellious, but our generation will be the weirdest group of senior citizens ever.

We are living in the most technologically advanced age in human history. Everywhere you look, teenagers and young adults are glued to their smartphones, computers and tablets.

But do we ever think about who will see this information? Aside from potential job employers, how many teenagers have wondered what their own kids will eventually see on their Facebook accounts?

Our generation hears stories from our parents, but our kids will get to see our entire lives on their computers. They'll know what we were eating and drinking. They'll see what television shows we were talking about and what books we were reading. But worst of all, they'll get to see all of our embarrassing photos and videos.

Yes, that means they'll be able to see that picture of you passed out in the large pile of beer cans with permanent marker on your face. Yes, that means they'll be able to see that picture of you kissing an ex. Yes, that means they'll be able to see every ridiculous selfie that you took of yourself, and they'll probably wonder what was wrong with you.

Our parents can brag about their generation's music. It involves traditional instruments, great lyrics and actual talent.

When we're cruising around with our kids and we flip on the classic channel and Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne, Skrillex and The Spice Girls come blaring out of the speakers, we might even second guess our own listening habits. However, I can definitely see us embarrassing the hell out of our children when we pull up to drop them off at school while rapping "The Real Slim Shady" or by putting on our bass faces to some old-school Flux Pavilion or Funtcase.

Our generation has also reached the lowest point in the history of linguistics. I'm talking rock bottom.

We are constantly thinking of new words that sound awesome, and we overuse the hell out of them until something even more dreadful spreads faster than gossip in a sorority.

YOLO. Bro. Swag. Cray. Apparently nobody cares about sounding intelligent anymore.

If the next generation plans on surpassing our eccentricity, they'll have to have some truly bizarre habits.
