Behind-the-Desk: Editor-in-Chief Catey Traylor

Name: Catey Traylor

Hometown: South Lyon, Mich.

Position: Editor-in-Chief

Years with CM Life: 3 years

What does your position entail? I am in charge of the entire newsroom. I oversee the production of the paper from the planning stage to the execution stage.

What was the first story you covered for CM Life? It was about the number of international students coming to CMU that semester.

If a movie was made of your life, what genre would it be and who would play you? Comedy, because I find myself hilarious. And I would be played by Queen Latifah because she's almost as sassy as I am.

What’s the best part about working at CM Life? My staff, because it's awesome being surrounded by people who are passionate about journalism.

If you had to eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, where would it be? I would pick a food court at the mall, so I could eat anything.

What's something most people don't know about you? I'm really anal about always having my nails painted.

