COLUMN: Guys have periods, too
The aches, the pains, the cravings; it’s no question that periods are sometimes the worst week of every month for a woman.
They can often find themselves bedridden with hot pads across their stomachs, throwing back Midol like their lives depend on it.
“The Rag,” “Aunt Flow,” “A Bloody Mess”– whatever you call it, it comes every few weeks, and it doesn’t always ask if you’re ready.
While we are bleeding in dismay, we always find ourselves asking, “Why can’t guys go through this, too? It’s not fair.”
Well, to some extent, they do.
Men might not experience the physical, excruciating pain of having your uterine lining shed, but, man, can they be cranky like they do.
Although most men won’t admit to it, male periods actually do exist.
Similar to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), men get upset more easily and have fluctuating moods.
Research shows men experience hormonal changes. They have dips in their mood and, more specifically, their hormonal levels, according to an article in the Huffington Post. Some doctors even state this as IMS, irritable male syndrome.
Dating back to the 17th century, this theory has been tested by physicians around the world, according to the Mother Health blog. It’s been shown that testosterone levels rise, increasing moodiness, arousal and depression. These testosterone levels cycle through the day, peaking in the morning and falling at night.
One plus for women, maybe the only plus, is that our cycles are more predictable.
Even when I do predict mine coming, rays of sunshine aren't beaming out of my face. It's best to usually stay away and let me do my thing.
It's always different, but, sometimes, it's a little like this: Lots of crying, hating people, loving people, not knowing why I am feeling what I am feeling, wanting to eat all of the things and then crying and hating some more ... on top of all the physical pain.
Guys usually aren’t THAT emotional with the tears and tissues, but they can be just as irritable and “weird” when they are going through their cycle.
Any Sarah McLachlan commercial can make you feel even crappier, and the idea of someone joking around with you pisses you off almost instantly. The only thing you want is silence in your sweatpants in your bed.
Now, if you’re a couple that experiences the “blood sisters” phenomenon, (having your period at the same time as people you’re close with), please just separate yourselves.
This won’t be pretty.