1892 Productions to host Relaxation Day for students during finals

Formerly known as UC Presents, 1892 Productions plans and executes events for students in the center of the university. Coming up on finals week, the organization has events to help students kick back and relax.

Assistant Director of Student Life Damon Brown said 1892 Productions was designed to take advantage of the changes and new student lounge in the Bovee University Center.

"It provides something for students to do during the day and it make the University Center more of a destination for our students," he said.

Coming up right before finals, 1892 Productions will host Relaxation Day on Friday from 3:30 p.m. until 9 p.m., with hot chocolate and and events to give the brain a break from all the cramming.

The goal of the day is to give students something to do with friends right before the stress of finals.

At the Relxation Day, there will be two showings of the movie "Hit and Run" at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. in the Bovee UC Auditorium. Students will have the opportunity to play X-Box 360 Kinect at 5 p.m. in the student lounge, followed by a yoga class at 5:30 p.m. in the Lake St. Clair and Lake Huron rooms.

There will also be a tea and hot chocolate bar with snacks at 6 p.m. in the student lounge. Various student performances will take place in the UC Rotunda Room starting at 6:45 pm. The event is free and times are subject to change.

Another program offered by the organization, Tunes at Noon, allows students to pass through or sit and watch artists during lunch time.

In the past, perfomers have included student Ben Schuller, the CMU Jazz Trio and Rudy Currance.

Another event, Monday Matinee, features a movie in the afternoon. On Wednesdays, students can play with the XBox Kinect in the student lounge from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

"Mat (Perry) and I are always trying to come up with more creative events," said Clawson senior Taylor Rushing.

Rushing has been active in Program Board since her freshman year and as an event planning minor, she said she has a passion for planning events for peers.

"(Program Board adviser) Damon Brown realized that and offered me a position," she said.

Last year, Rushing and Highland Township senior Mat Perry planned small events to get their feet wet. This year, Rushing said the biggest event was the Election Watch Tuesday night when more than 100 students joined together.

Perry said he and Rushing brainstorm what they think students want to see and hear.

"We try to bring in a variety of events and we try to have events that do not require students stay for long periods of time," Perry said. "For example, students can listen to a song or two of Tunes at Noon and leave."

