LETTER: Take back the Tap legislation important

I was very shocked when I picked up a CM Life newspaper yesterday and read nothing about Monday evening when Student Government Association passed the Take Back the Tap legislation, which supports a gradual phase out of bottled water on campus.

This has been passed now four times in the House and, for the first time ever, in the Senate.

The RSO Take Back the Tap on campus has worked extremely hard on this campaign and is ecstatic about SGA’s support.

If all goes well with Purchase and Contracting, CMU can potentially be the first university in Michigan to end the sales of bottled water on campus!

This will allow CMU to be a leader in sustainability with a very easy first step (drink out of a reusable water bottle) and join the other 60+ universities across the nation who have done so as well.

am very pleased with the hard-working Take Back the Tap students at CMU and the Student Government Association and confused as to why CM Life did not cover this sooner.

Mariah Urueta

Waterford sophomore
