COLUMN: Furious response to purposeful blindness

Hershey's, Smucker's, Kellogg's, Monsanto, Sara Lee, General Mills, Ocean Spray, Delle Monte, Dole, Campbell's, Land-O-Lakes, Bumble Bee Foods, Sunny Delight, Hormel Foods, Godiva, Morton Salt, The Coca-Cola Company, Wrigley, McCormick, Nestle and, of course, PepsiCo, are all traitors.

Guess who won't be buying a Sara Lee pie, Ocean Spray cranberries or McCormick seasonings this Thanksgiving?

I don't support traitors. Most of these products I won't buy anyway, but their treachery takes my anger over the edge. These companies and similar traitors to good, quality food have spent over $45 million to keep consumers in the dark.

Proposition 37 in California was basically the head of the new food movement. Individuals, small businesses and larger businesses gathered to show that they want to know what is in their food. The proposition would basically require food companies that use genetically modified organism ingredients (GMOS) to be labeled. This made a powerful force against the food dictators.

How much testing has been done on the effects of GMO food consumption? Not much and even less that was done by third-party testers. Also, it's not a coincidence that many of the people who have leading roles in these large corporations also have a role in regulatory fields like the FDA. Doesn't it reek of corruption?

It sounds oddly familiar. Wait, it's coming back to me now. Oh I remember: tobacco companies.

Had Prop. 37 passed, it would have set a precedent for the rest of the country. This was the 12th state to try to go against these large corporations like Monsanto, the bully on the playground. Monsanto creations of patented genetically altered soybeans, corn and other plants that are basically every horror-film maker's dream come true. The plants invade, replicate and are resistant to other life forms attempts at removal.

This prop was literally a little man against the behemoth scenario, but the people in support of Prop. 37 and other similar movements say they will continue to fight on. From this we can take away that people do care about their food, many will not give up and they will not let large corporations with huge pockets dictate how they eat. They will continue to turn to local farmers, co-ops and stay informed.

While the elections might be over for candidates, we vote every time we eat. We are voting when we drink coffee at the locally owned businesses like Kaya Coffee, or shop at the local quality businesses like GreenTree.

Go vote, and remember what you are voting for.
