LETTER: Auto Fault

I am a physical therapist who has the pleasure of working with individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury.

The current Auto no-fault in our state allow these victims to receive the comprehensive care they require to reach their maximum rehabilitation potential.

I’ll be voting for Kevin Cotter in this election. Representative Cotter has repeatedly taken a strong stance to support seriously injured accident victims by voting to oppose cuts to Michigan’s no-fault system. By opposing HB 4936, Rep. Cotter stopped the government from interfering with price negotiations between health care providers and insurance companies, which would have cost Michigan hospitals millions.

That bill would have also cut benefits for seriously injured accident survivors, pushing many of them onto Medicaid and adding tens of millions in costs to our state. Michigan is known for providing the best care in the country for catastrophically injured accident survivors at a cost that is in line with the national average. Thank you, Rep. Cotter, you will have my family’s support this election.

Christopher Hausbeck, PT
