CMU employees raise 76 percent of United Way fund drive goal

Central Michigan University employees have surpassed last year's total amount raised for the United Way Fund Drive by $5,000.

CMU employees are the largest contributors to the United Way Fund Drive. Currently, the total amount raised stands at $61,000, more than 76 percent of the $80,000 goal. The official start date of the fund drive was Aug. 31, and by the end of the first day 20 percent of the fundraising goal had been met.

Donations and money raised through United Way will be distributed to agencies such as Child Advocacy, Women's Aid Service, American Red Cross, Friends of Isabella Seniors and other nonprofit organizations in Isabella County.

"We are very happy to be able to support United Way and the agencies that depend on this funding," said Mary Lou Morey, CMU employee pledge drive coordinator.

While the public fundraising has quieted down, the deadline for the entire drive for Isabella County is Dec. 31.

"Hopefully, in December, the news will be 'CMU Employees Surpass Goal for United Way,'" Morey said.

On Nov. 8, the student-organized event Dance United will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in McGuirk Arena. All funds raised during the event will go toward the CMU employees' total.

Concerns about Isabella County reaching its $410,000 goal arose earlier in the semester due to lack of donations because of the rough state of the economy. However, as of Oct. 3, Isabella County raised $106,228, with 382 people donating.

"Our real struggle is (figuring out how) we educate the CMU community that there is a real need in Isabella County for assistance," Morey told Central Michigan Life in early October.

Fundraising has been put on halt during October and all of November in order to avoid clashing with other organizations just beginning to fundraise for United Way.
