CMU, MSU Hillel come together to celebrate Jewish New Year

The celebration of Rosh Hashanah brought about 12 students from Central Michigan University to Michigan State University Monday night.
The holiday, known as the Jewish new year, began Sunday and concluded Tuesday night.
“The holiday is basically the celebration of Adam and Eve and the creation of Earth. It is also a day to take reflection about one's past year. Praying can be in any language as long as you do it, and take the time to do it,” said MSU Rabbi Dan Horwitz, in a sermon to about 50 people on Monday.
The Rabbi spoke about how State is always open to CMU Jewish students.
“It is a home away from home for Jewish students to come here, and be able to celebrate holidays like Rosh Hashanah if students can not go home to celebrate with their families,” Horwitz said.
Elliott Spoon, president of the MSU Jewish board, spoke about how they cater to CMU.
“We think it is wonderful for both CMU and MSU to come together and be able to celebrate this wonderful holiday," he said. "We have a lot of different events that we offer to both sides including retreats, and a chance to go to Israel.”
Josh Finn, a Southfield senior, said the celebration is good for students of both schools.
“We have a lot of friends from high school that go to MSU and it gives us a chance to come together and celebrate the holiday as a family,” said Finn, who is also the secretary of Hillel.
After the sermon, everyone was invited for a dinner that was hosted by MSU. Students spoke about the importance of food to the Jewish community.
MSU Hillel adviser Sam Appel said he enjoys the collaboration.
"CMU is one of my universities that I work with, and I am happy that they can bring their chip spirit to the Spartan area,” Appel said.