LETTER: Effective, timely funding for transportation

We like to joke about Michigan only having two seasons, winter and construction, but if you drive often you know that our roads are in bad shape.

Over time this erosion of city streets and freeways causes wear and tear on vehicles that ends up costing drivers a lot of money.

We joke about the orange barrels, but the truth is, we need to invest in fixing our roads, and we need to invest in putting Michigan’s construction workers back on the job. Fixing our crumbling infrastructure will make our state more attractive to new business, and it creates good-paying jobs right here at home.

We need to convince elected officials in Lansing to stop their partisan antics and make this a priority. Actually, some bills are under consideration now there that would more realistically fund road and other infrastructure construction and repair. This is way overdue. We need it ASAP.

James S. Moreno

Mount Pleasant
