COLUMN: Not so super Sunday
The Super Bowl came and went again this year and I couldn't care less.
Sure, I followed the Detroit Lions as they entered the playoffs for the first time in years. After the Lions were eliminated in the wildcard round, I totally stopped caring (as I'm sure many did).
I guess I should clarify something; I didn't totally stop caring.
It's just that my enthusiasm for this year's big game plummeted once I knew the New England Patriots and the New York Giants would be playing in it. I was really hoping to see the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl as they were a team that I hadn't even expected to make the playoffs (apparently their team has a great defense ... I don't keep up on this all that much). It would be nice to see some teams that hadn't played the big game only a couple years before, but there's not much I, nor anyone else, can do about it.
With that being the case, I guess I can dream about how great the halftime show would be if some of my favorite bands like The Cure or Opeth (a death metal band from Sweden) played it. How cool would it be to have a stadium full of people singing along to Joe Hertler and the Rainbow Seekers' "Ego Loss on Grand River Avenue?" But I digress.
Since my favorite bands are more than likely not the favorite bands of others, we can probably agree on the fact that the last few years of Super Bowl halftime shows have been lackluster, if not downright terrible. Since the Janet Jackson incident in 2004, the performances have been extremely safe, usually featuring the currently hot pop artists like The Black Eyed Peas and collaborative efforts with former Guns 'N Roses guitarist Slash and pop kingpin Usher.
This year's performance, a medley featuring Madonna with LMFAO, Nicki Manaj and M.I.A., was not something I want my eyes (or ears) to be glued to intently. Madonna has been at least 15 years past her prime and these current artists don't really need the addition of performing with her on their respective resumes. I would rather have seen Madonna perform with up-and-coming bands if nothing else.
Where's the adventure? Where's the intrigue? I guess by playing it safe, NBC knows they'll make the most money, and for that, I don't blame them.
Heck, even The Who graced the Super Bowl halftime show in 2010 and seemed safe and tame.
I guess I don't really have that much interest in the Super Bowl, but maybe if they went out on a limb once in a while they might get me to watch.