COLUMN: Barack Obama's speaking abilities unrivaled by GOP candidates
As unemployment rates spike, gas prices rise and the monstrous United States national debt continues to quietly accumulate, many Americans have began to express a distrust toward Barack Obama and the current presidential administration.
Regardless of your viewpoints toward Obama, one aspect of his presidency is undeniable: The man can speak.
Poise, confidence and charisma all flowed out of the man's mouth during his State of the Union address, unlike any of the continuous banter we've seen in recent weeks in Republican debates.
"Tax returns" this or "insider trading" that. We understand Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney — you two will do whatever it takes to earn the nomination. Just don't swear by Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, because thou has definitely spoken fairly ill of other Republican candidates.
While Obama delivers speeches with eloquence and energy, Gingrich looks like he could use a towel to wipe the sweat from his forehead after every defensive remark. While Obama tries his best to ensure he doesn't offend particular societal groups, so does Romney, but only because he's changed his mind enough times to appease whoever can take him to the White House.
Love him or hate him, the man has the ability to talk his way into the hearts of the American public — just look at the way he managed to not completely embarrass himself with the State of the Union "spilled milk" joke. His recent ode to Al Green while speaking in New York on Jan. 19 is hard not to smile at.
Sure, the old adage has always been "talk is cheap," and the growing problems in the country may suit the phrase for Obama. However, it may be more applicable to a comparison of Obama's $400,000 presidential salary to Gingrich's for-profit consulting and production companies or Romney's ties with Bain Capital.
It's unfair to beat up on Gingrich, who has had his moments in recent debates and inspired cheers from Republican crowds in Southern states. Looking back at CNN's Jan. 19 debate held in South Carolina, Gingrich managed to make Peter King look like the villain for asking a question about Gingrich's infidelity.
I mean, how can asking about the man's extramarital affairs or tendencies to divorce his sickly wives be fair game in a presidential debate? It's not like America's president is expected to display utmost character or that Gingrich has a firm stance protecting the institution of marriage from homosexuality or anything.
Let's not forget the former candidate Gov. Rick Perry either. The only noteworthy comments that came out of his mouth during his candidacy were on YouTube when he managed to denounce the First Amendment and insult homosexuals, atheists and religions other than Christianity alike — all in 31 seconds.
Though speaking may be only a portion of presidency, isn't a politician's most valuable skill his ability to inspire?
Newt and Mitt — start getting in front of the mirror now.