COLUMN: 'The Bachelor' a guilty pleasure

They say the first step is admitting. Therefore, I have a confession to make: I love watching The Bachelor.

Call it a guilty pleasure or an embarrassing one, either way, two hours of my Monday nights are dedicated to the reality show.

I mean, how could I not fall susceptible to the preview commercials saying it's the most (insert enticing word here) season yet?

Seeing 25 desperate women fight, cry and throw themselves at their "dream guy" just fills my heart with pure entertainment.

Never being a big fan of fist pumping, I have gravitated toward watching these women be degraded on national television.

It never fails to make me cringe in delight as they take the walk of rejection back to the mysterious black limo and spoon feed encouragement to every person who stereotypes women.

"I really thought he was the one," each women says as she sobs into the camera. I can't help but laugh at how 25 different women magically "fall in love" with this season's Bachelor, Ben, after simply speaking with him.

I mean, it doesn't hurt that he's pretty cute, owns a vineyard and is handing out free roses, but to claim love at first sight exists is almost worse than going on the show in the first place.

And this is why I love it.

Totally "normal" people kissing, dating and falling for the same guy that their bunk buddy is also swooning over? This is definitely the perfect way to fall in love.

Many often claim this show is their last resort on their search for love. Does that mean 24 of them go home and become cat ladies? After 16 seasons, that's a lot of cats.

The only reason I could see myself signing up to commit public social suicide is for the traveling these people get to experience for free.

From St. Lucia to Paris, I'd be down to entertain America with a few cat fights just to make it to the next dream destination; not to mention the dates they go on.

Yes, it's a dream world out there for contestants. A dream world that comes crashing down after the cameras, lights and makeup crew disappear, and they're left with bills, a job and a guy who doesn't take you on dates to the Eiffel Tower anymore. Otherwise known as real people problems.

No wonder only one couple has made it through marriage and children while still going strong. And yes, I am not counting Jason who chose one girl then went back on his decision and married the runner-up he first sent home.

But in the end, if there's just no hope in finding love on this reality TV show, there's always the Bachelor Pad.

