COLUMN: S**t girls shouldn't say
After watching the "Shit Girls Say" meme, I’ve realized I need to start watching what I say.
About 30 seconds in, “Uhhh, that’s what I say” passed through what I thought was my intelligent brain. But I continued nodding my head in agreement to every phrase a man impersonating a cliché woman said.
From “Shuuuut up!” to “I know, right,” I became aware of how dumb I may actually sound. Not that I mean to sound like a cliché girl, but I think I, along with many other females, lets her inner girly reaction slip out through conversation.
While many ladies might feel this video stereotypes all women … well it does. And it does a damn good job of it.
I laughed my way through the whole minute and 19 seconds of pure reality. Because it’s true; we do say the dumbest s**t sometimes.
To prove my point, the first thing I said after seeing the headline was, “What? … shut up!”
We’ve got a lot of work to do here.
As a journalist, I pray that I don’t come off this way in interviews or in writing. But honestly, I don’t think there’s a cure in the world to change how some women react to different things.
For example, 95 percent of girls will say “like,” like about 95 times in the span of a 10-minute conversation. If you’re a girl who believes she is in the five percent who doesn’t, I commend you.
Or when a girl tells her best friend about how her boyfriend acted last weekend, “No, he didn’t!” is locked and loaded, almost to a science.
These phrases are dropped by women everywhere because we’re going to emotionally overreact and we’re going to question things like our DNA is commander-in-chief of our vocal box. It’s a sad truth, but one that was pointed out perfectly by a man in a wig.
We should take this video as a wakeup call. A life lesson to stop saying “Seriously?” to every statement and “First of all, ew,” to every annoyance.
Stop being caught guilty posting, “What’s wrong with my computer?” on Facebook or replying to texts with, “Listen to this.”
I know it may “so not be fair” to say every girl talks this way, but the majority of them do.
From “Shit Broke People Say” to “Shit Successful People Say,” YouTube is making bank and loving the people who make this harsh reality come forth.
But like seriously, who can blame them?