COLUMN: Knowing your CMU sentence

I sat on a padded-wood chair outside an office in Warriner Hall waiting anxiously like a criminal looking up at a judge casting down a sentence.

After being called in, I put my winter coat, hat and gloves awkwardly in a pile, scooted my chair right up next to this graduation adviser's desk and we were off.

I walked out 45 minutes later frantically trying to process what happened, and how wrong my expectations of the sentence was. I imagined myself 18 credits away from graduation or closer after this semester, and I’d graduate in December.

I’m, at best, 25 credits away from graduation after this semester; if I pass my classes.

Thoughts were swirling — summer classes? Take an intensive, eight-week course this semester? How will I pay for these extra classes? Where did these “other degree requirements” come from?

Other advisers told me to take care of my University Programs credits, take liberal arts classes and fulfill journalism requirements and I would be good. Apparently the 24 credits of “other degree requirements,” were not known to them.

The Central Michigan University advising system is flawed.

Deb McAlphin was a pleasure to meet and a great graduation adviser for me. My problem wasn’t with her, it was with not meeting her until now.

I was told to get my audit done about a year or semester before graduation. That’s wrong. Get your audit done earlier. Maybe once you sign your major, so you actually know what you need.

I’ve heard numerous stories about people getting bombshells dropped during their audit, similarto, if not worse than mine.

CMU should not have hidden courses to complete tacked on at the end of someone’s time here. There should be a simple online format that you plug in your major and courses taken and it outlines exactly where you are and what you need in a simple format. Or just plug in your Global ID and it maps it out for you.

Two audits should be mandatory, the first after a year or two to explain what classes are needed, and the second during senior year to see how students have done and help with finishing up.

Why wait to tell students every last class they will need to graduate?

That’s like waiting until the fourth quarter of a football game to actually look at the scoreboard to see if you are winning or losing.

CMU, please find a better system to communicate to students exactly what they need for graduation.

Students, until the university wises up, get in there for audits early and often. Don’t assume you are on the right track. Know exactly what classes you need for graduation — don’t leave it to chance.
