EDITORIAL: Respect the river, respect the town
It's not uncommon to hear CMU students lamenting their life in the modest town of Mount Pleasant — particularly those from more urban regions of the state.
Sure, it is smaller than what many may be used to in comparison to our hometowns. And it’s an adjustment to get to know. But because you’ve chosen CMU, you have chosen Mount Pleasant.
As such, do not trash, both literally and figuratively, a community which is kind enough to welcome you with open arms. You chose Mount Pleasant, it and its residents did not choose you. Because you made that choice, treat the city as your home, because frankly, that’s what it is.
And that’s why the city deserves a bit more respect than many students are willing to give.
Case in point: students who use the use the Chippewa River disrespectfully.
Law enforcement reports students are trespassing, polluting, publicly urinating in and being generally disrespectful to this city’s resources. These acts are absolutely uncalled for and examples of truly selfish behavior.
Good citizenship should be the primary focus of students in the area, especially considering their temporary status in the area simply makes them guests.
Mount Pleasant has a lot to offer; just this past week three events of great magnitude took place, in addition to all of the excellent attractions the city usually has to offer.
Le Tour de Mont Pleasant, the Max and Emily’s concert series and the Mount Pleasant Summer Festival all offered a bit more excitement to a generally sleepy town.
The city is nice enough to allow students to use the river for tubing, the streets for the Max and Emily’s concert series and Le Tour, and Island Park and other public attractions for the Summer Festival and other activities. The least students can do is behave, be respectful and not litter or vandalize public property.
We should hold ourselves to a standard far above public urination and other behaviors unbecoming of CMU students.
This city doesn’t belong to the university and its students, it belongs to those who proudly call Mount Pleasant home. The students in question would do well to end their selfish ways and remember they are part of a community that extends beyond the campus borders.