LETTER: CMU Public Relations continuing proactive efforts to engage all media

Throughout the year it has been our pleasure to collaborate with CM Life and reporters from a wide range of media outlets in their coverage of university news. We take seriously our role of assisting CMU administrators and staff in working with reporters, which has prompted this response to Wednesday’s CM Life editorial.

Professional journalists will attest to the fact that working with public relations is a regular part of doing business. They utilize PR services as a resource to help them navigate through a complex organization and to gain access to individuals who have accurate and relevant information.

CMU administrators who refer reporters from a variety of media outlets to University Communications do so for many reasons. Some are simply uncomfortable dealing with reporters. Others have schedules that don’t allow for a timely response under a journalist’s deadline and ask for public relations assistance.

However, most comment that they are reluctant to deal with CM Life because of past experiences in which factual errors were included in the story, their comments were presented out of context or they were misquoted.

We are pleased to read that, “in recent weeks, an open dialogue between CM Life and CMU has taken promising strides forward, leaving CMU staffers optimistic it will continue.” CMU always has been and remains committed to a positive working relationship with the media. Such a relationship is built upon understanding and trust.

University Communications will continue its proactive efforts to engage all media, including CM Life, in editorial board meetings and media availabilities following major events, to coordinate access to administrators and staff, to assist with news coverage, and to ensure that information is accurate, timely and relevant.

CM Life’s editorial team has demonstrated on several occasions this past semester that, by keeping an open mind, listening to the facts and making tough decisions, a positive working relationship can exist and is beneficial to all parties involved.

Congratulations on a successful and award-winning year. To the CM Life staff and all of our students, have a safe and memorable summer.


Renée T. Walker, APR

Associate Vice President/University Communications
