HOFFMAN: College is a time for taking chances, making soul choices
As I approach my 25th birthday and the end of my college career, I have realized if I learned anything in the seven years I've been at it, it's that you have to take risks.
Risk taking is a crucial part of growing as a person, professional and student, and without taking them, I wouldn't be writing this column. There are times where the risks won't work out. You'll take a chance on something and get knocked down on your ass, but that's OK.
Life is full of times where things don't work out. I found that out when I got into the education program here at Central Michigan University.
When I started college in 2004, I wanted nothing more than to be a U.S. history teacher. It was my dream to share my love of history with America's youth. I wanted them to discover how interesting it can be.
But after my exodus from community college to CMU, I discovered that while I still love history, I am not equipped to be a teacher. Then came journalism.
It seemed like the only logical choice, but I was terrified to submit a column to Central Michigan Life. What if it sucked? Did I have what it takes?
But those are the type of risks which are essential to a worthwhile college career.
It took me three weeks to get my first column published in September 2010.
College is an insane time. It's the only time where friends won't judge you too harshly if you go on a four-day bender. It's the only time where you can be a complete idiot and people won't question you.
Now, I am not saying to go out and go on an intense bender. I've been there, the hangover isn't worth it. But sometimes it's good to make "soul choices": choices that you know may not have the best outcomes in the long run, but will have you walk away with something that feels tangible, something that feels like it was worth it.
And as the weeks count down to when I leave Mount Pleasant for the last time as a student, I have realized that I have not taken enough risks. I have not made enough soul choices.
So here's my charge to you: let's make this a killer last few months. Let's take the city by storm and make the most of the only time we will be able to get away with what we do. Let's have a beer, kick back and make the choices we have been too afraid to make.
Whether those choices are personal, professional or academic — take a chance or you're wasting your time.