Dear Design: Messy roommates, drinking problems
How should you confront your messy roommate after they leave a mess? Any confrontations should be sorted out in person.
By speaking face to face, you’re showing your roommate that you respect them enough to handle the situation like an adult. Leaving nasty notes or retaliating with your own messes may feel gratifying in the moment, but the satisfaction will wear off and the problem will remain.
Also, keep in mind that you shouldn’t attack your roommate with the issue. Anyone who feels attacked will immediately go into defense mode and they will shut off all reasonable thinking.
Approach them calmly about why the mess upsets you, and also offer them a solution to the problem. If you give them a reasonable way they can avoid making messes in the future it will be hard for them to get mad or refuse to do so.
This might seem like a lot of effort on your part, but it’s better to do it right once and stop a problem before it gets out of hand. And even though it’s something as simple as a mess around the apartment, you need to handle it carefully so your roommate doesn’t get offended and a bigger problem arises because of it.
There are too many of us that are guilty of full-fledged wars over dirty dishes in the sink.
I think I might be an alcoholic, what should I do? For starters, kudos for realizing you may have a problem.
That seems to be the first step in solving the actual issue. If you’re consuming alcohol on a daily basis, you should definitely consider making some changes for the better.
There are several ways you can adjust this habit. Cut down your intake immediately.
If your addiction is psychological, emotional, physical — whatever — seek help from other sources. CMU’s Counseling Center in Foust Hall is free for students in need of assistance. It can be reached at 774-3381.
Keep your drinking to a minimum. Cut down throughout the week, and instead, drink on the weekends when most of your friends are doing so. Find other things to drink or do when you have a need for alcohol.
Reach out to your friends and family because they will be your backbone in this.
If you have the mentality that you will overcome this task, you will be on the path to sobriety.
In the end, it is up to you whether or not you’ll make it. As Yoda said, “Do or do not, there is no try.”