FECTEAU: It was funny until I bit the dust, too
Nothing brings a smile to my face more than seeing someone slip on the “C” between Moore Hall and the Dow Science Complex.
I know that sounds horrible — seeing someone slip on ice and enjoying it. But in a society where people getting hurt is often laughed about, it’s hard to not "lol."
And we’ve all been there. That position where you’re on the ground and looking around asking yourself, “Did anyone see that?” It’s even worse after realizing you have to finish your trek to class with a wet butt and damaged pride.
And the one spot on campus where I never fail to see someone in that awkward position is on the “C.”
Sometimes I think the iced-over copper “C” is more likely to stand for “cursed” than Central Michigan University College of Science and Technology.
On days when it would make more sense to ice skate than walk to class, it is free entertainment.
People just minding their own business walking to class not knowing that the evil “C” is ahead of them; I think to myself that they must not know about it because those who have fallen sure know the alternate route. Then, all of a sudden, they hit the ground cold.
I sit here grinning just thinking about it.
Slipping on ice in general is painfully embarrassing. The fact that the walkway between Dow and Moore Hall is so populated between classes makes it even worse.
Even when people don’t fall but take that slip just big enough to let out a little “whoa,” it makes walking to class in the cold weather a little more bearable.
That was, until I was the victim.
I usually go out of my way to walk around it and avoid possible embarrassment, but apparently not when I am late to class.
With an extra pep in my step to make it there on time, I totally forgot about the cursed square of sidewalk.
Since I’ve seen this happen so many times, I tried to laugh it off and not be ashamed that I had such a minor lapse in judgment.
So I’ll take this time now to apologize to those who have heard my little chuckles when they slipped on the ice.
It really does suck.