COLUMN: Fear the "C"

There is something dangerous on this campus, waiting to bring down students every day.

It bides its time until it can sweep its next victims: Innocent students unaware of the danger lurking underfoot.

Like gazelles grazing on the savannah, these students walk to their classes unaware of the crafty predator.

Part of the ornamental sidewalks spread over Central Michigan University's campus, it lies docile and harmless most days. It only becomes dangerous when water, ice or snow comes in contact with its smooth, metallic body.

Surrounded by red brick, this metal "C" between Moore and Dow halls is a lion in wait. Its slick and unassuming form has claimed me as a victim twice.

I chalked up my falls to clumsiness and haste at the time. But over the past month, I have noticed many more falling victim to this clever predator.

Like dominoes, the line of students walking by Monday slipped, lost balance and some even tumbled to the ground, brought down by the alphabetical bear trap.

It won't get me anymore, for I steer clear of that "C." I will not be victimized anymore. However, I watch as students continue to feed the unholy appetite of this demon of the sidewalk.

Oh, the horror caused by this vicious of pedestrian infrastructure, designed for the College of Science and Technology.

Oh "C," I curse you; I raise my fist to you and shout, "No more! No more will you bring us down."

We are on to you and your deadly design flaw. A flaw which twists a beautiful piece of walkway into a treacherous path of terror.

"Why," I ask. Why does this have to be? Can we not enjoy your beauty without depending on a friend to rescue us from that terrible stumble?

I respect your power, "C."

I will look for a ribbed, rubber sole on my next shoe purchase, to protect myself from what could be a sore day.

I am aware and careful, steely "C," and until spring, I will walk cautiously, waiting for the sun to come out and tame the letter that stalks me.
