COLUMN: Taco Bell isn't fooling anyone, consumers know its "beef" isn't 100 percent beef
Taco Bell spokespeople refer to the fast-food chain’s cuisine as “Mexican-inspired food.”
If the Alabama law firm Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis and Miles has its way, the meat in their tacos may need to be similarly referred to as “beef-inspired.”
The firm filed a class-action lawsuit last week to keep the fast-food joint from referring to the meat product used in tacos and burritos as “ground beef” or “seasoned beef.”
The firm conducted a study it claims proves the meat product is only 35% beef, which is less than the FDA-regulated minimum to be considered a beef product.
I don’t think anybody can claim to be surprised about this. Consumers, including and especially regular fast-food patrons, just tend to assume fast food is not what it claims to be.
From McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets to KFC mashed potatoes, most customers would be more shocked to be told fast food actually is what it purports to be.
In the case of Taco Bell’s “beef” — come on. They serve it out of a caulk gun.
Do I agree that Taco Bell — and all restaurants — should be held to FDA regulations. However, as it is currently operates, I do not think Taco Bell is fooling anybody.
If somebody buys a one-dollar taco, they aren't going to be expecting to have it filled with high-grade, grass-fed beef, or vegetables that were picked from a garden behind the restaurant.
You want to sue Taco Bell for naming it products in a misleading manner? Sue it over its "Fire Sauce."
"Puppy-Cuddle Sauce" would be a more appropriate name for this mild-tastic condiment.
Taco Bell should just settle this lawsuit before it even sees the inside of a court.
If they start referring to their taco filling as "taco meat" or "meat filling," there is very little damage. They don't lose any money and get to keep selling dirt-cheap products for a huge profit, and this law firm gets the national exposure that was undoubtedly their motivation for filing the case.
To end with an awful burrito pun, there is no reason this whole situation does not get "wrapped up" quickly and neatly.