Finding a place at university a struggle for nontraditional student
I have struggled to find my place on this campus, but I have no doubt that this is where I belong.
I am a student who happened to wake up one day and decide I wanted to attend college 25 years after high school. I never expected that outside of the task of learning I would face challenges of belonging.
I know CMU was not designed for a student in my circumstances. I recently spoke with Dean of Students Bruce Roscoe and during our conversation I realized how unique my story is on this campus and people are here to help.
I decided to share this in case other students at CMU may find themselves in the same shoes.
I am not the demographic this school caters too. I am not what CMU is designed for.
The hardest part was realizing it and knowing that it is perfectly fine that I am not traditionally what CMU sees when it plans support, activities and programs on this campus for its student body.
Instead of whining about what I feel as a disconnection to this campus, I can be the person who seeks out support for what I need.
CMU has done a great job in meeting the needs of its traditional students. It does a great job meeting the need of any student who would come forward and share their need.
I think that the future will bring more people like myself to college campuses across America. Does that mean universities like CMU need to cater and set up special programs right away?
Yes, CMU should make minor adjustments in how it perceives its student body but should not go overboard.
Improvements could be simple changes in orientations and academic advising which make staff more aware of differences older learners may have. This does not mean a special office or hiring special people. I think that would be a waste.
Training and redefining resources already in use would be a start. This school does not need to have a major overhaul or model itself to attract older learners.
CMU needs to continue to move forward and strive to offer good accredited programs like the ones that brought me here. Then offer simple resources for someone like myself to use when a need arises.
Older learners can be just as part of this campus as a young freshman out of high school can be. Not everything is right for me but I can still participate if I choose to.
Bluntly speaking, it has been a tough adjustment and I face obstacles every day while trying to understand what it means to be a CMU Chippewa.
But at least I am smart enough to seek out those on campus who can help. That is all I am asking for. That this place makes us aware that they are there to help.