Vote for candidates based on policies and viewpoints, not their personal relationships.
Toni Sessoms is a Democrat running for state representative for the 99th District, which encompasses Isabella County and a few townships in Midland County.
Sessoms has worked as a nurse, then in ministry after she earning a master’s degree in Divinity. She now works as an attorney helping families return to their normal lives, and is a small business owner.
Toni Sessoms also happens to be a lesbian.
She has been with her partner Tammy for more than 10 years. They own a home and a farm together in Deerfield Township.
Having seen them together a few times, I can say they are among the most committed and loving couples I have ever known; that they are both women is an afterthought.
This past Saturday, an automated phone call went out to the voters in the 99th District which brutally attacked Sessoms for being a lesbian. The message was from Gary Glenn, president of the conservative American Family Association of Michigan, and a supporter of Sessoms’ Republican opponent, Kevin Cotter.
According to the call, Sessoms is unable to share our values and is dangerous because she was born a lesbian. The call rambled on about the number of gay people who work on the Sessoms campaign, saying that her campaign manager is a lesbian, which, other than being a total non-issue, is factually wrong or just a lie. The Sessoms campaign manager is a woman who is happily married to a man and has adult children.
Sadly, this negative ad is part of a larger campaign that happens every election year to distract people from issues.
An election about the problems facing our state and our nation is something of a fairy tale. In the politics of today, elections are often popularity contests in which a candidate wins by most effectively defaming their opponent.
Attacks against a candidate based on something so personal as who they are in love with is the slimiest of slimy attacks. In the 21st century, we owe our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters respect. They should not have to feel marginalized and scared. If someone is qualified for any job, who they are in love with should never enter the equation.
Consider voting for Toni Sessoms based on her life experience and her positions on the issues. Ignore the negative ads. This community is counting on it.