Republicans are own worst enemy in November elections

Democrats seem to have at least one last hope in the coming elections: Republicans.

If you are anything like the average college student, you have or have recently had a job. Most jobs college students work are for minimum wage.

Imagine if the world worked according to Republican Joe Miller, running for the U.S. Senate in Alaska and the favorite to win the seat. Miller believes the minimum wage is unconstitutional — despite the Supreme Court disagreeing with him back in 1941.

We as students would make significantly less than the already-painful $7.40. Imagine paying for gas while making $1.75 an hour. It almost makes one laugh.

Somebody could potentially respond to this by saying, “OK, but that is just Alaska.”

Here’s another: Rand Paul is a Republican running for U.S. Senate in Kentucky and is leading the polls. He thinks the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act went too far. The offending portion? The so-called “lunch counter” provision, in which it became illegal for businesses to segregate based on race.

It is difficult to even imagine a world in which you walk into a restaurant with your friends, only to be turned away because some of your friends happen to be of non-European descent. Disgusting.

“They’re nuts,” the dissenting reader may say. “But they are also from red states. How about a purple state?”

Imagine the world worked according to Republican Sharron Angle, running for the Senate in Nevada, who is down only a couple points in the polls. In her world, if her anti-government opinions do not win in elections, her like-minded fellows should consider “2nd amendment remedies” to “end tyranny.” That’s right: If the voters think she has screws loose and vote for her opponent, she would “consider” using violence with a firearm to get her way.

Let’s throw in Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell of Delaware (no relation) just for fun. She believes that condom usage is “anti-human” and an “insult” and reduces people to the “level of a dog.”

Zany and hilarious, right? Imagine if condoms were made illegal. STD rates and unintended pregnancies would skyrocket, both of which are far from hilarious. Friday nights at CMU would go from fun but relativley safe to absolutely horrifying.

Voters are starting to pay attention to what Republicans are advocating and are recoiling in horror. The Republican dream of blocking every idea Barack Obama and the Democrats might have is fading quick.
