LETTER: Unforeseen issues expected in Events Center renovation

Regarding the Oct. 25 article in Central Michigan Life by Carisa Seltz on the Events Center, I would like to provide a response on behalf of SmithGroup and benefit your readers with a fuller understanding of the project and its complexities.

Now nearing completion, the new Events Center will provide a first-class venue for academic, athletic and community events at CMU.

We’re confident it will prove to be an exciting addition to the CMU campus.

To achieve CMU’s goals for the project, the design includes an extensive renovation of the original Rose Arena. The degree of renovation requires that new construction interface with existing structural and site conditions in numerous locations. When designing a facility to interface with an existing building, unforeseen and undocumented issues often arise and can present challenges — including those that affect technical issues, budget and schedule.

As noted in the article, SmithGroup is actively working with CMU and the construction manager, Clark Construction, to achieve an on-time completion in a way that is consistent with the project design goals and requirements. Regarding the article’s reference of “Alleged design errors or omissions,” the determination of an item as an error or omission is premature as the issues have not yet been thoroughly evaluated.

Our focus and commitment remains on continuing to work collaboratively with the entire project team, CMU, the construction manager and subcontractors, so that a highly successful project results — one that the CMU community will enjoy and be proud of for many years to come.

Chris Purdy

Project Manager, SmithGroup
