Not all conservatives are far-right extremists

As someone who freely admits to being politically conservative, it always angers me when people just assume I am tuned into Fox News 24/7 and I already have a ballot punched for Sarah Palin in 2012.

I do not watch Glenn Beck or even think Sarah Palin is qualified to run as much as a Dairy Queen.

I have no doubt President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii; not Kenya, Senegal or the forest moon of Endor.  And I am not alone.

Not all conservatives are hate-mongering, border patrolling lunatics who are convinced that the Second Amendment entitles Americans to carry AK-47’s and grenade launchers on the street.

I guarantee most people who identify themselves as  conservative want nothing to do with Palin, the Tea Party or Ann Coulter.

In last month’s GOP gubernatorial primary, the two candidates who went to the extreme right and courted the Tea Party vote, U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Holland and Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard, fell to the candidate who positioned himself as a moderate in Rick Snyder.

Republicans out-voted Democrats nearly two-to-one in the Aug. 3 primary, because of the economic mess this state is in because of eight years of incompetency of the administration of Jennifer Granholm.

Snyder securing the GOP gubernatorial nomination proves that Michigan Republicans care more about who will build up the economic infrastructure of Michigan than building a fence on a border.

Believe it or not, the overwhelming majority of people who have a problem with Obama have a problem with the president not because he is black or because conservatives are naturally racist, but because we have a president who is rapidly expanding the role of government to levels not seen since the New Deal while adding hundreds of billions to the nation’s debt.

Sarah Palin is an idiot; it’s the rest of us who aren’t.
