Hoisington looks to fill Lieutenant Governor candidate Calley's shoes in State Senate
Editor’s note: The following is a letter send to the Central Michigan Life Editorial Board. To send a letter, e-mail voices@cm-life.com
I must say I was surprised at Brian Calley’s decision to drop out of the race for the 33rd district state Senate seat in favor of Lieutenant Governor. I thought he was as serious as I am at focusing on the needs of the citizens within the district. I can only assume this is a career move on his part, however I won’t speak on his behalf.
I will say I am, and will remain totally committed to serving the district the very best I possibly can if the voters in this district will give me the honor of serving them as their next state senator. I will make myself as available to them as I can to hear there concerns and be there voice in Lansing.
You have to wonder at this point in the race, (unless Michael Trebesh is chosen) how can anyone else be taken serious for this seat due to the fact they showed no interest in running prior to Brian dropping out? With the many issues facing this district, especially unemployment, we have to have someone who cared by stepping up early on demonstrating the willingness to serve, and take on the challenges we are facing.
I can relate very well with those who lost their jobs due to a plant closing. My wife and I both worked at the former Electrolux plant when it shut down, each of us having close to 30 years of employment. So I understand the tremendous need to work extra hard at bringing jobs to this hard hit area.
We definitely need someone as myself who has experienced the struggles of this economy and will have the commitment and the determination to keep fighting to correct the problems not only with the unemployed, but also with businesses that are facing tax burdens that prevent them from expanding, making a decent profit, and drawing new businesses here.
I firmly believe that in order to turn this district and this state around it will take all parties to work together for the good of Michigan, not the parties. We need to change our tax structure so it will be more attractive to businesses that are looking to build so we can persuade them to come here and provide jobs for the unemployed.
There is much more work to be done than I have listed. I am very bipartisan in my thinking and will reach across the isle to my fellow Republican colleagues to do what is best for the success of Michigan.
James Hoisington, D-Stanton