Year-end checklist
Graduating seniors have just two weeks remaining at Central Michigan University. While these weeks are sure to be busy, there are a number of things that seniors — and all students — should make a point to do, to ensure their CMU experience is fulfilling and complete:
When one has spent as a significant chunk of their life in one place as four years in college, they want to be remembered. While carving “ED WAS HERE” on a bathroom wall is not recommended, something such as getting your name on the wall of the Pixie, 302 N. Mission St., is a time-honored tradition that will keep your name enshrined in town for years to come.
E-mail a university administrator or Trustee
Keeping a dialogue open between students and the people running the university is crucial to its effective operation.
Students just about to leave should still make a point to voice their thoughts and concerns to the people who can hear them. The university depends on alumni donations, so graduation will not mark the end of a student’s relationship with CMU.
Attend an on-campus event
Between sporting events and Registered Student Organization functions, there is bound to be something happening on campus that sounds interesting.
Go support a group or an interest, meet people and do something beside scanning the Facebook news feed.
Spend time in the library
The Charles V. Park Library is one of the best resources available to CMU students and, although some students more or less live in the library, so many of them may only set foot in there once or twice.
There is such a wealth of resources available in that building, for studying and for pleasure, that students are cheating themselves out of a lot by ignoring it.
Spending at least a few hours checking it out is fulfilling, and your tuition money is already going toward it.
Get to know a professor
Yeah, they stand in front of a class and lecture, but instructors are people, too, and a lot of them are really great people.
Getting to know a professor can be advantageous for a few reasons. Obviously, being on a teacher’s good side is always nice, but you have also made a connection that might help in the future and build a friendship where you did not expect one.
Spend a day downtown
Mount Pleasant has a lot more to offer than just the campus.
There are a number of locally-owned shops and restaurants in the downtown area into which many students never even step foot. On a warm afternoon, walk down Main Street to the downtown area and see what you find. In all likelihood, it will not be a regrettable experience.