Students should enjoy their summer, not worry about university finances in the fall

Another academic year is coming to a close.  For those of you who are graduating, we offer our congratulations and best wishes.

For our returning students, hopefully your plans for the summer months are complete and you’re looking forward to having some time for yourself.

Whether your plans involve classes, work, an internship or a study abroad program, your faculty, the members of the Central Michigan University Faculty Association, want to extend our heartfelt wish for a safe, enjoyable and successful summer.

During this academic year, we have all been affected by the continuing barrage of negative news about the national and state economy.

Perhaps this news has made you nervous about what lies ahead for CMU.

Will CMU be seriously impacted by decreased state appropriations next academic year?  Will any of my classes be cut?  Will my professors still be here?

All of these questions are legitimate concerns given the uncertainty of the state’s economic future and the legislature’s traditional inaction on the budget.

In spite of recent economic reports, we do want you to know that CMU remains strong and in sound financial shape, just as President Ross recently said.

Indeed, CMU’s bank account (or fund equity as many K-12 districts call it), when compared to its total operating budget, is the highest of any university in the state.

Even with cuts in state appropriations for next fiscal year, we are assured CMU will remain financially sound and continue to offer quality academic programs taught by its best faculty – your faculty.

Enjoy the summer.

Be safe.

And come back to campus in August refreshed and ready to learn.

CMU faculty will look forward to welcoming you back.

Tim Brannan President, CMU Faculty Association
