SGA gaffe's just as real as the one's in the U.S. government

One claim made by the Student Government Association is that people benefit from its existence by gaining “a better understanding of governmental framework.”

The truth of that statement is humorous — in a sick, sad way.

Let’s look at how SGA displays its accounting prowess to the world.

Its budget is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that makes my home bookkeeping methods look like they far exceed generally accepted accounting principle standards.

“Allocated” and “Adjusted Total” columns?

If it weren’t for the fact that it was using equations in the cells, I’d have even less of an idea what was going on.

The sad thing is that there has to be someone in the organization that knows how to at least make somewhat legitimate-looking financial reports, but they must not want to.

This, of course, parallels perfectly with something such as the Obama administration’s “jobs created or saved.”

They’re numbers that are ambiguous in their determination at best, fraudulent at worst, and fulfill the agenda of making the stimulus look like it actually helped the economy.

Then, of course, there’s the total and absolute defense of entitlements for those in the upper echelon of SGA.

Twelve free credits per semester for the president and vice president?

Stipends for others, such as the Membership Officer? Check.

Just like Congress, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a majority in SGA that would advocate eliminating these things, saving CMU students and the taxpayers money.

Then there are the people involved.

President Brittany Mouzourakis and vice president Dave Breed did a heck of a good job of acting the Dennis Lennox/professional politician bit during the WMHW debate.

For starters, Mouzourakis jumped out of the gate calling candidate Evan Agnello a liar.

I don’t seem to recall any evidence being offered to support that claim but, of course, that seems to be par for the course when dealing with U.S. politicians.

When I inquired about how many people (the inference should have been unique) go to events put on by the Program Board, Breed gave a reply of 30,000 people.

30,000 people?

Does CMU even have that many students and faculty?

I don’t think so.

Don’t feel bad though, Dave.

Michigan’s very own John Conyers had to resort to making up a “good and welfare” clause when questioned about the constitutionality of the ‘Obamacare’ bill.

Indeed, it appears as though SGA does give students a good idea of how US politics work.

Unfortunately, it just reminds me of the sad state of affairs we are in, and makes me want to drink.
