Bernero's proposed policies could ruin Michigan's economy further
Virg Bernero keeps reaffirming why he should not be Michigan’s next governor.
Most of his detractors might attribute the things he says to not having much of a background in the private sector.
However, as I mentioned in a previous column, people such as Bernero aren’t stupid or ignorant of the facts.
Rather, they take advantage of a legitimately ignorant public that can’t deduce how detrimental some of these proposed policies and laws are, or will be if not yet enacted.
For example, let’s look at Virg’s proposition for creating a state-owned bank.
The claim made is that businesses aren’t able to get loans from private lending sources and, as a result, the state should pick up the slack.
A freshman business student would tell you why these banks aren’t making loans: If a bank thinks it won’t benefit from making a loan (the loan recipient is going to default), the loan won’t be written. It’s pretty simple.
But for someone such as Bernero, why worry about risk, losses and the other realities of financial transactions when you can just sucker the ignorant with Warm Fuzzies and keep the taxpayer on the hook?
Caution: Warm Fuzzies may be hazardous to your state’s economy and is known to cause birth defects in those with the fictitious CCR5 Delta 2 positive gene.
If anyone wanted further evidence in support of my hypothesis, they have to look no further than Dan Morse, a Grand Rapids senior quoted in CM Life’s coverage of Bernero’s visit.
Morse was reported as saying Bernero is a good candidate because he “supports workers’ rights over those of big corporations.”
One group having more “rights” than another group?
Especially when this other group, as a result of providing resources and subjecting itself to risk, is able to provide jobs?
Let me know how that works out for you when businesses leave the state for friendlier business environments.
The state would be much better off electing an ignorant politician than someone such as Bernero — then there is at least a chance of getting them to realize their errors and fixing them if you challenge them.
However, challenge Bernero (or Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, or President Barack Obama, I won’t discriminate) based on logical arguments and fact, and you will find yourself with a four-year-old sticking their fingers in their ears, screaming “la-la-la-la” as the Service Employees International Union jams money into their pockets.
Indeed, the American Dream is under siege, as Bernero said during his visit on Wednesday.
But here’s a little secret: It’s people like him that are at the ramparts of that dream making the attack.