A response to Friday's article 'Two Vying for SGA Presidency'
Central Michigan Life should hold a higher standard in the area of importance it is supposed to know a thing or two about — factual information.
Friday’s article, “Two Vying for SGA Presidency,” was filled with misquotations and inaccuracies that would make Rita Skeeter blush.
The claim that Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates Evan Agnello and Jessica Richard jointly hold three years of SGA experience is far from the truth.
As current SGA Historian, impartial with no pending SGA elections affiliations for the following academic year, I researched the legitimacy of this information.
Based on public, official membership documentation for both the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 academic years, the only evidence of either candidate’s membership was Jessica Richard’s service as Zeta Tau Alpha SGA representative for the fall 2008 semester.
Furthermore, the article stated that neither candidate is currently a member of SGA.
In actuality, Evan Agnello is supposed to be serving as the Campus Conservatives SGA representative, while membership documentation currently reveals that his attendance makes him subject to removal by the membership committee, per the SGA Bylaws.
Thus, whether or not he considers himself a member, all of this information combined puts the candidates’ joint SGA experience at less than one academic year.
When considering the importance of such an election to the future representation of CMU’s student body, Central Michigan Life should assign campaign-related stories to reporters who will validate the information that they plan to disburse to thousands of interested students.
This election does not need to be dirty and misinforming.
If not for the students, then for the sake of journalistic integrity, a discussion regarding work ethic may do Central Michigan Life some good.
Colleen Elizabeth McNeely Student Government Association Brighton freshman