Lack of questions will not advance budget talks

Central Michigan University administrators on Tuesday held the first of what they say will be several forums to discuss the university’s impending budget crisis.

Panelists detailed how the budget works for those in attendance before opening the floor for questions and commentary.

With so much speculation swirling around campus over CMU’s financial future, one may expect people to line up for a chance to offer a word. But that wasn’t the case.

Only three people asked questions, just one a student.

If the student body and faculty want to influence how administrators approach budget cuts, they must take advantage of every opportunity for active involvement. That doesn’t happen when the community cowers in the corner.

Silence doesn’t tell administrators just how deeply cuts will impact both faculty and students at CMU.

There was a multitude of things worth discussing after the presentation. Administrators touched on topics such as faculty layoffs and how to avoid tuition increases during the forum.

The only questions asked afterwards pertained to student retention and if the university was pledging to hold the line on tuition.

The forum ended 20 minutes early due to lack of audience interaction.

Why weren’t more students present? Although it’s understandable students are busy, the overall lack of effort was laughable.

Fewer than ten students showed up to such an important discussion.

Students could even watch the event online and e-mail their questions. Not a single question was e-mailed to the panel.

Granted, there is a lot of information administrators don’t have yet that will allow them to make more concrete decisions. But at least they attempted to start a budget-related conversation.

Many of the goals panelists presented to the crowd are open-ended and up to interpretation.

This is the perfect opportunity for students and faculty to ask pressing questions. How will CMU continue to be focused on education if faculty has to worry about staying employed? Why should students pay more in tuition if the resources they need to succeed are slashed?

Yet, no one asked. Silence.

Future forums

Interim president Kathy Wilbur said more forums on the budget will be held in the future.

With the initial forum explaining the budget situation, the administration should reveal some more proposed solutions to patch the faltering budget. Be transparent and let the CMU community know what you’re thinking.

As for students and faculty — attend the forums. Don’t complain and stand on the sidelines while the administration restructures CMU.

Apathy will not solve this complex issue. It will take thoughtful questions and pressure on the administration if students and faculty want to influence what goes and what stays.

Students, this is your tuition money in action. For faculty, this is your job on the line.

Why aren’t you saying anything about it?
